Championing Single Mothers Through Business: Sabina’s Story

Sabina likes to introduce herself as a woman entrepreneur and a social activist.
At the very young age of 24, Sabina became a widow. Suddenly homeless with four children, she walked that challenging road with great courage and dignity as she worked hard to care for her family. Out of her experience and passion for equipping single mothers, and with access to .3 acres of leased land to grow vegetables, she founded of Rise and Shine Nepal (RS Nepal).
Launched in 2011, RS Nepal is a non-profit organization that extends its services for the welfare of single women and dependent children through social empowerment, personal empowerment, economic empowerment, and advocacy.
Through her advocacy, Sabina encourages every single mother in her community to keep savings in a women's saving fund, which helps to strengthen their economic status. She has also spent significant time researching and learning about the market, technical support, and equipment--which has helped to launch the second phase of an agriculture-based business offering employment.
Her next plan is to add water buffalo husbandry in addition to farming, and as a trainer of the Partners Worldwide Microenterprise Curriculum, she is able to help others launch their entrepreneurial endeavors as well.
The entrepreneurial journey has never been easy for Sabina, and there are always new challenges waiting in every roundabout. But faith, hope, persistence, passion and courage overcome the twisted pathways leading towards the summit. Sabina is very optimistic about her business 5-year plan funded by the investments of a group of women in her community, and is looking ahead to grow profit exponentially.