Breakthroughs of Hope

Often, we hear and see stories of success: how businesses are thriving despite challenging circumstances brought about by the pandemic or any other calamities. But, recently, we saw another side of the story. During our visit to Palawan to meet with our partner CCT, they brought us to visit two entrepreneurs who had attended the PW training in 2019.
So, of course, when we requested to see the entrepreneurs, we expected to see an example of "successful" businesses. But the truth is, while others may be thriving, there are many more who are barely surviving. We visited Nanay Wilma and Ate Anda in Puerto Princesa. For instance, Nanay Wilma temporarily closed down her small convenience store during the pandemic, but when typhoon Odette ravaged her property, it remained close to this day. Still, she remains to hope and dream that she'll be able to recover and restart her business one day with the money she has saved up and not borrowed. Likewise, Ate Anda's small store has reopened, and her business is slowly picking up. But as Ate Anda thinks about the future, she is considering relocating to a property she owns and using the money she is paying for rent to grow her business.
Seeing this reality on the ground showed us the importance of the Five Strategic Directions we are pushing for as part of Vista 2030! How do we help entrepreneurs become more resilient? How do we fortify our locally-rooted and globally-connected partnerships? How do we spur redemptive business and illuminate Imago Dei?
The stories of Nanay Wilma and Ate Anda are still stories of hope! As we continue to walk alongside faithfully, their stories will only become more beautiful -- shining like a light on the hill!